Browsing Posts published in September, 2009

Sunday, 9/27 AT Miles = 5.2 / 2178.3Other Miles = 5.2 / 68.3Total Miles = 10.4 / 2246.6 Miles to Katahdin = 0.0 Jodi and I were up at 4:45, hit the drive-thru at McDonalds (I know, Iknow) at 5:00 when it opened, and were at the gate of Baxter StatePark by about 5:40. It […]

Katahdin? Not Today!

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Saturday, 9/26 Yesterday when leaving Baxter State Park Jodi and I made it a point to ask the ranger what time we would have to be at the gate in order to be sure to be able to park at Katahdin Stream Campground (KSC). The ranger told us that KSC would not fill up, that […]

Friday, 9/25 AT Miles = 13.4 / 2173.1 Other Miles = 0 / 63.1 Total Miles = 13.4 / 2236.2 Miles to Katahdin = 5.2 See that? Only 5.2 miles left. Who would have thought I would ever be this close?! From the moment I woke up this morning, I was in a giddy mood. […]

Nahmakanta Lake to Hurd Brook Lean-to

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Thursday, 9/24 AT Miles = 19.9 / 2159.7 Other Miles = 0 / 63.1 Total Miles = 19.9 / 2222.8 Miles to Katahdin = 18.6 Orange juice. I have been craving orange juice for days now. Tomorrow morning I will come out of the Hundred Mile Wilderness at Abol Bridge on the Golden Road. The […]

Wednesday, 9/23 AT Miles = 21.2 / 2139.8Other Miles = 0.1 / 63.1Total Miles = 21.3 / 2202.9 Miles to Katahdin = 38.5 For the first time I can remember, I was the last one out of the campsite this morning. Not because I slept late or anything, but because the three people that slept […]

—"Home is where I hang my food bag" MonkeywrenchAllen

Lower Jo-Mary Lake

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—"Home is where I hang my food bag" MonkeywrenchAllen

Tuesday, 9/22 AT Miles = 18.9 / 2118.6 Other Miles = 0 / 63.0 Total Miles = 18.9 / 2181.6 Miles to Katahdin = 59.7 Man, oh man. I was tired when I woke up this morning! I pushed hard again today. I climbed the series of four peaks, each higher than the last, that […]

Monday, 9/21 AT Miles = 20.8 / 2099.7 Other Miles = 0 / 63.0 Total Miles = 20.8 / 2162.7 Miles to Katahdin = 78.6 I put in a hard day’s work today, hiking from 7:15 in the morning until 6:45 in the evening. I started the day by climbing 1750′ up Barren Mountain, then […]

Monson to Long Pond Stream Lean-to

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Sunday, 9/20 AT Miles = 15.1 / 2078.9 Other Miles = 0 / 63.0 Total Miles = 15.1 / 2141.9 Miles to Katahdin = 99.4 Hey folks, look at that! Less than 100 miles to go! I can remember how thrilled I was when I reached the first 100 miles of this trek, and now […]

Zero Day in Monson

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Saturday, 9/19 AT Miles = 0 / 2063.8 Other Miles = 0 /63.0 Total Miles = 0 / 2126.8 Miles to Katahdin = 114.5 I didn’t do much today, which is exactly what a zero day is all about. I, along with Dioko and Rookie, went over to Shaw’s for breakfast. We had called yesterday […]

Friday, 9/18 AT Miles = 9.0 / 2063.8Other Miles = 0 /63.0Total Miles = 9.0 / 2126.8 Miles to Katahdin = 114.5 Not much to talk about today. I got up this morning and hustled downthe trail to get to Monson before the weather closed in. Dark clouds,cold wind. It's definitely good to be in […]

Thursday, 9/17 AT Miles = 13.0 / 2054.8Other Miles = 0 / 63.0Total Miles = 13.0 / 2117.8 Miles to Katahdin = 123.5 I often wonder how some of trhe other thru-hikers manage to have such small, light packs. Well, I found out at least part of the reason this morning. It was cold last […]

Wednesday, 9/16 AT Miles = 18.7 / 2041.8 Other Miles = 0 / 63.0 Total Miles = 18.7 / 2104.8 Miles to Katahdin = 136.5 A full day today. It got pretty cold last night, and I was warm and snug in my bag, making it a bit hard to get out and get going […]

Tuesday, 9/15 AT Miles = 22.2 / 2023.1 Other Miles = 0.3 / 63.0 Total Miles = 22.5 / 2086.1 Miles to Katahdin = 155.2 Yup, you read that right; 22.5 miles today. I don’t think I’ve done that many miles in a day since back in New Jersey somewhere! Basically, I hiked the 5 […]

ME 27 to Safford Notch Campsite

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Monday, 9/14 AT Miles = 10.4 / 2000.9 Other Miles = 0.3 / 62.7 Total Miles = 10.7 / 2063.6 Miles to Katahdin = 177.4 I was hoping, but not expecting, to make 15 miles today. That would have gotten me completely through the Bigelows, it would have positioned me to reach the Kennebec River […]

Caribou Valley Rd to ME 27

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Sunday, 9/13 AT Miles = 8.3 / 1990.5Other Miles = 0.2 / 62.4Total Miles = 8.5 / 2052.9 Miles to Katahdin = 187.8 I hiked a quick 8 miles over the Crockers today. 3 miles of uphill,and 5 miles of downhill. I was at the Stratton Motel by 12:30. Evenwith that short hike, after spending […]

I had been trying to get my photos uploaded for the three days I stayed in Rangeley. I was using my cell phone as a modem for my computer, but had only a marginal signal and a very slow connection. Finally today, here in Stratton, I have a good WiFi connection and got the photos […]

Saturday, 9/12 AT Miles = 10.4 / 1982.2Other Miles = 1.2 / 62.2Total Miles = 11.6 / 2044.4 Miles to Katahdin = 196.1 It rained a little bit this morning before I was hiking, and it raineda little bit this afternoon after I finished hiking, but it neverrained while I was hiking. I must be […]

Caribou Valley Rd

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Looking down at Caribou Valley Rd; today's destination. —"Home is where I hang my food bag" MonkeywrenchAllen

Friday, 9/11 AT Miles = 13.5 / 1971.8Other Miles = 1.0 / 61.0Total Miles = 14.5 / 2032.8 Miles to Katahdin = 206.5 Arrghh! Still more than 200 miles to go. When I got back on the traillast Friday morning in Gorham, NH, it was just under 300 miles. 8 daysof hiking later, it is […]

ME 17 to ME 4

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Thursday, 9/10 AT Miles = 13.1 / 1958.3Other Miles = 0 / 60.1Total Miles = 13.1 / 2018.3 Miles to Katahdin = 220.0 Almost 90% done! 90% will be 217.83 miles, so I am only 2.2 miles shy. I hiked with my full pack today. It was a pleasant hike, through thewoods on a pretty […]

South Arm Rd to ME 17

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Wednesday, 9/9 AT Miles = 13.3 / 1945.2Other Miles = 0 / 60.0Total Miles = 13.3 / 2005.2 Miles to Katahdin = 233.1 Man, oh man, what a perfect day today was! Today was the quintessence of early fall in New England; a cold crisp morning followed by a day just warm enough to work […]

Mooselookmeguntic Lake

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—"Home is where I hang my food bag" MonkeywrenchAllen

East B Hill Rd to South Arm Rd

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Tuesday, 9/8 AT Miles = 10.1 / 1931.9 Other Miles = 0 / 60.0 Total Miles = 10.1 / 1991.9 Miles to Katahdin = 246.4 Ah, what a lovely day to be hiking in Maine! I set off early this morning and had a wonderful time slackpacking along easy trail through the cool of the […]